Little did the first years know that they would be treated to a relaxing day at the spa today 🍌


Looking forward to seeing the creative custom made labels on Friday. Click Skin care  to try make your very own products at home.

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Evaulation of the class

The Appearance:

“The exfoliator was a bland cream colour. The cleanser was an off white colour with a hint of green.The toner was a green colour. The face mask was also a green colour with a hint of white.There wasn’t a distinctive smell from the homemade products but the exfoliator smelled like porridge *hint* there was porridge oats in it. Compared to shop bought products personally I think the homemade products were better because we knew exactly what was being put into the exfoliator, toner, cleanser and face mask”

“Over all today’s class was a fun experience”. Chloe S, 1st Year Home Economics Rann na Feirste.

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