Less guilty succulent homemade beef burgers

A good burger never fails to fully satisfy the hunger signals. The best thing about making your own beef burger is that it gives you the chance to have a burger that’s seasoned, cooked and dressed how you like it. However, the most important ingredient is the beef and more importantly how that beef is … Continue reading

Learning for life with Home Economics

Never has there been a better time to study Home Economics. I’ve tried to come up with my top 12 reasons for you to think about studying Home Economics for the Junior and Leaving Certificate Cycle . Hopefully you will find this helpful. 

Home Economics teaching vital life skills

How to do we solve this issue? Make Home Economics compulsory. Home Economics provides students with vital life skills, how to plan and cook nutritious and economical meals and how to select healthy nutritious food for themselves and their family #‎foodeducation‬ ‪#‎foodliteracy‬‪#‎makehomeeconomicscompulsory‬ ‪#‎nomoreexcuses‬ #foodliteracy‪#‎homeeconomics‬ ‪#‎confidenceintheirpreparation‬ How to do we solve this issue? Make Home Economics … Continue reading

Beidh cuairteoirí speisialta linn maidin amárach 👭

A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts and outcomes. It is a catalyst that sparks incredible outcomes. If you spend a lot of time around someone, you tend to pick up their values, behaviour and well their positivity (without really realising that it is happening). Sometimes, it is as simple as something standing … Continue reading