Rhubarb and Ginger Jam 

A friend said help yourself to some rhubarb. So I did and…. ABRACADABRA💫 #TuesdayTreats #HomeEconomics #Homegrown #Rhubarbandginger 

TY students investigate gluten free alternatives 

Gluten free carrot cake          Jamie Oliver’s gluten free carrot cake is a must. Ingredients 225 g gluten-free self-raising flour , plus extra for dusting 2 large free-range eggs 125 g soft brown sugar 125 ml sunflower oil 1½ teaspoons ground ginger 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1 eating apple 200 g carrots 1 … Continue reading

Semi-final of the Loreto Bake Off

On your marks get set bake! Today we had our semi-final of the bake off. The students were required to take part in a technical challenge. The technical challenge tested the bakers’ technical ability but also their patience in a two hour battle to create a scrumptious shortcrust pastry dish. Two senior students and three … Continue reading

Oh what a night! 

I would like to say a huge thank you and well done to all the students who were  involved in the open night lastnight. Maith sibh, you all showed great teamwork and commitment to the subject #teamhomeeconomics                    

Simple but effective

The senior cycle Home Economics class got a chance to put their theory into practice yesterday evening. We examined the properties of protein- foam formation, denaturation caused by heat, acids and agitaton, gel formation, elasticity and maillard reaction.  The meringues that group 2 produced were superb. There is nothing like an fun filled Friday class … Continue reading