5 thoughts on “Textile Studies JC craft option 2015

  1. The history of embr0idery-
    Embroidery is the art or handcraft of decorating fabric with needles and tread. The origin of embridory can date back to 30000bc. Hand embridory involves stitching designs by hand onto fabric. This all began when primitive men discoverd that they could use thread to join pieces of fir together. Embroidered clothing was considered to be a symbol of wealth.

    The history of appliqué-
    AppliquĂ© is the name given to the decorative technique of sewing fabric shapes to a background fabric of a different colour. In the 15th century appliquĂ© started to replace crewel work on bed curtains and other linens. The word appliquĂ© comes from the French verb ‘appliquer’ meaning ‘to put on’

  2. The history of embroidery-

    The art of decorating fabrics by stitching designs with a needle and thread is called embroidery. Decorating clothes using embroidery is as old as sewing itself, When mans clothes began to tear, he started mending his torn clothes with patches and used sewing techniques to strenghten it to ensure that the stitch didn’t give in during rough use. At this time man discovered that the thread that he used for fastening clothes together and mending patches could also be used to decorate and design it. During that period he began to used beads, stones, bones and seeds of various fruits as decoration materials.

    The history of appliqué-

    The technique of appliqué goes back as far as sewing does, this was when people began using other pieces of cloth to cover up holes in clothing items. The word Appliqué comes from the word appliquer which means to cover or put on. Early appliqué was used to lengthen the life of clothing and it eventually moved into other techniques that can be seen in blankets and quilts from numerous cultures from all over the world. Many tribal cultures used appliqué for use in tents and dwellings.

    • Thorough research done- Do not forget to quote and reference where you sourced your information! It is important that you link the URL of the website.

  3. The History of Embroidery
    (Sewing mantra)
    Embroidery is the art of decorating fabrics by stitching designs with a needle and yarn.People started using other materials like metal strips, pearl, beads and quills in their designs.

    The use of embroidery to decorate clothes is really old.Men started mending torn clothes with patches and used reinforced sewing techniques to make it strong to make sure that the stitch didn’t give in during rough use. The man discovered that the thread that he used for fastening clothes together and mending patches could also be used to decorate and design it. During that time he used beads, stones, bones and seeds of various fruits as decoration materials.

    The History of Appliqué
    (Quilt qua)
    Appliqué is the name given because of the decorative technique of sewing fabric shapes to a different colour fabric and has been around in some form for as long as humans have been able to use a needle and thread. Some believe that the idea of appliqué may have come from patching holes in worn garments or linens.

    One Example of that art form is found in the Boulak Museum in Cairo, Egypt. It is a ceremonial canopy dating from 980 B. Queen Esi-mem-kev funeral tent was made out of that material. The canopy is made of gazelle hide decorated with symbolic serpents and blossoms. The appliquĂ©d pieces are dyed in various colours of pink, blue green and golden yellow. AppliquĂ© usually decorated objects that were used in everyday life so not many examples have survived through the centuries. Surviving examples in museums include crusaders’ banners and cloaks decorated with appliquĂ©d motifs.

    • Excellent research- Do not forget to quote and reference where you sourced your information! it is important that you link the URL of the website.

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