Home Economics Summer practical assessment 2014

The  second year Home Economics curriculum in St Dominic’s Secondary School requires that each student be examined on their culinary skills which is worth 30% of their final grade in second year.  This examination will be held in class in two weeks time.

The girls are aware of their tasks that they must research and upload their findings onto the blog.

The tasks are as follows:

Task 1: 

Introducing ethnic dishes into meals is an ideal way to experience different cultures. Identify a culture of your choice and list some popular dishes associated with this culture. Design and set out a two-course menu suitable for an evening meal. Prepare, cook and serve the complete main course of the meal for at least two people.

Analysis of task-  What exactly am I being asked to do?

Factors to consider- What factors should I think about before choosing my dish?

List 10 popular dishes associated with your chosen culture.

Reasons for choice of dish- What are your reasons for choosing the dish.

Total cost of the dish per person- how much does the meal cost per portion

Task 2: 

Certain people have special dietary needs. Design and set out a two-course menu suitable for an evening meal for an anaemic young adult. Prepare, cook and serve the complete main course of the meal. 

Analysis of task-  What exactly am I being asked to do?

Factors to consider- What factors should I think about before choosing my dish?

Define Anaemia- Look up the internet for a definition( always back up with reference)

Suggest ways that a young Anaemic adult could increase their intake of iron in their diet and list some foods.

Reasons for choice of dish- What are your reasons for choosing the dish.

Total cost of the dish per person- how much does the meal cost per portion.

Task 3:

Fibre forms an essential part of a healthy diet. List some high-fibre main course dishes that could be served as the main meal of the day. Prepare, cook and serve one of the dishes you have listed.

Analysis of task-  What exactly am I being asked to do?

Factors to consider- What factors should I think about before choosing my dish?

Suggest 8 high fibre dishes that are suitable as the main meal of the day.

Outline the importance of fibre in the body.

Reasons for choice of dish- What are your reasons for choosing the dish.

Total cost of the dish per person- how much does the meal cost per portion.


Best of luck to you all 🙂


8 thoughts on “Home Economics Summer practical assessment 2014

  1. Task 2- anaemia
    Lentil and spinach soup
    Main Course:
    Beef curry – (served with rice)
    water, juice, milk.


    1. I am being asked to design a two course meal for someone with anaemia.

    2. Some of the main factors I considered when planning this meal was budget and the persons deficiency ex what vitamins or minerals etc, is this person lacking?

    3. Anaemia = Anemia is a decrease in the number of red blood cells (RBC’s) or hemoglobin, resulting in a lower ability for the blood to carry oxygen to body tissues. There are many different reasons why the body might not make enough red blood cells, but often it’s because someone isn’t getting enough iron. Iron is a nutrient found in meat, dried beans, and green leafy vegetables. Without iron, the body can’t make hemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying part of a red blood cell.

    4. People with anaemia should make sure to purchase foods that are high in iron.
    Foods containing iron:
    red meats,
    pumpkin seeds,
    beans and pulses,
    leafy green vegetables,

    5. I did some research and found out that beef is a good source of iron and so is rice, so I decided beef curry would be the perfect dish to make as its high in iron, quick/easy to make and delicious! I picked lentil and spinach soup as the starter because spinach is a green leafy vegetable which is high in iron, I also thought the dish would appeal to even the fussiest of eaters.

  2. Menu

    Enchiladas verdes
    Spicy baked sweet potato fries

    1) I am asked to plan a 2 course meal from a different culture and serve it for at least 2 people
    2)The Factors are budget (is it expensive) time and culture.
    3)10 popular Mexican food:
    4.Enchilada verdes
    6.Tacos al pastor
    9. Torta cubana
    10. Spicy baked potato fries
    4) I chose those dishes because I always heard of them but never tasted them and because I thought it would be a challenge.

  3. Analysis of task- I am been asked to design a two course menu suitable for a young anaemic adult.

    Factors to consider-
    -price of ingredients
    -how much time I have to cook
    -needs and wants
    -likes and dislikes
    – how many people I’m cooking for

    Anaemia is a condition caused by lack of red blood cells. It means the body’s tissues and organs cannot get enough oxygen. Red blood cells contain haemoglobin. This pigment is responsible for transporting oxygen around the body. So when there’s lack of red blood cells there’s a shortage of haemoglobin and not enough oxygen is deliverd to the tissues and organs.

    Iron is a mineral needed by our bodies. Iron is a part off all cells and does many things in our bodies. To increase intake of iron eat high in iron foods eg: red meat, egg yolks, leafy greens(spinach), dried fruits(prunes), turkey or chicken giblets and liver. The rda of iron is 8.7mg for a man and 14.8mg for a woman.

    I chose this dish because the ingredients are in my budget of 20 euro, I can cook the meal in the amount of time provided and because In my opinion I think the dish is tasty.
    Total cost= €20
    One person= €10

    Starter- dried fruit bowl including prunes

    Main course- spaghetti bolonase with herbs sprinkled on top.

    Drinks- water or any juice of interest.








    Pork Loin Stuffed with Apples and Herbs
    Pork Rolls Stuffed with Ricotta and Spinach
    Italian Party Flank Steak
    Italian Pulled Pork
    Sausage with Peppers and Onions
    Short Ribs with White Polenta
    Spatchcock Chicken
    Steak with Salsa Verde Sauce
    Tarragon Chicken

    Q1) I’m being asked to come up with a two course for an ethnic culture of my choice. The culture I choose was Italian because I am familiar with the Italian culture and I find their cuisine interesting.

    Q2) The factors are time (how long will it take to cook)
    Cost (will the ingredients be too expensive)
    Is it a balanced meal
    Will everyone enjoy it
    Is it high in protein low in fat and salt?

    Pork Loin Stuffed with Apples and Herbs
    Pork Rolls Stuffed with Ricotta and Spinach
    Italian Party Flank Steak
    Italian Pulled Pork
    Sausage with Peppers and Onions
    Short Ribs with White Polenta
    Spatchcock Chicken
    Steak with Salsa Verde Sauce
    Tarragon Chicken

    Q4) I choose this dish because its quick,easy and fun to make!

    Q5) The dish will cost 4.35 per person

  5. Analysis of task- I have been asked to name 8 high fibre main course dishes that would be suitable for the main meal of the day.

    Factors to consider-
    1. My budget
    2. Who I’m cooking for
    3.My skills
    4.Their likes and dislikes
    6. If they have a special dietary need

    High fibre dishes suitable for main meal of the day
    -spaghetti bolognase with brown pasta
    -vegetable soup with brown bread
    -Mexican pasta
    – home made chicken balls with brown rice.
    -Mexican pork chops
    -pork with peach and black bean salsa
    -sweat potato and turkey meatloaf
    -vegetable curry with brown rice
    -spinach and lentil soup

    Importance of fibre in the body
    Helps prevent heart disease and diabetes.
    Gives bulk in the diet
    Eat less as you are fuller for longer

    Reason for choice of dish- It’s high in fibre and I like soup.

    Total cost- 10 euro
    5 euro for one person

    Main meal- Spaghetti bolognase with brown pasta

    Drinks- water or orange juice

  6. main meal:
    chicken curry with wholegrain rice
    water or juice
    Q1) I have been asked to plan a meal high in fibre

    Q2) The factors are my budget, if its completed in time and who the meal is for.

    1 vegetable soup with brown bread
    2 brown pasta
    3 spaghetti Bolognaise
    4 spinach and lentil soup
    5 stir fry
    6 vegetable risotto
    7 omelette
    8 chicken and vegetable casserole

    Q4) fibre is an important part of the body a diet in fibre has many health benifits it can help prevent heart disease, diabetes and can also improve digestive health many people don’t get enough fibre on average people get about 14g of fibre per day you should aim for at least 18g per day

    Q5) I picked this dish because it was Within the budget, I had enough time to complete it and I like the dish.

    • Well done where did you get your information from? Make sure to quote your website.
      You need to include at least 6> points on the key factors to consider, make sure to state that you would use brown pasta, brown rice to increase the fibre in the dish.

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