Rhubarb and Ginger Jam 

A friend said help yourself to some rhubarb. So I did and…. ABRACADABRA💫 #TuesdayTreats #HomeEconomics #Homegrown #Rhubarbandginger 

Great feed

‪Great feed🍴! Finally made a trip to Shells Cafe, Bakery & Shop at the weekend  #Seaside #Cafe #Strandhill #Sligo

TY Night 

The future star bakers of Donegal.  Thank you to all the TY students who did themselves proud in the kitchen today for their TY presentation night. The students recently took part in a cake decorating workshop with Selena’s Creations and designed a cake which was inspired by their best moments in Transition Year. We also … Continue reading

New food pyramid 

On many “levels” learning the new food pyramid proved to be a sweet success. Plenty were “tiering up” for the big reveal😉 🔼🍊🍐 #HomeEconomics #peerevaluation #creativity #newfoodpyramid #SwapthecarbsforFruitandVeg #Donegal #3Dmodel #project