Beidh cuairteoirí speisialta linn maidin amárach 👭

A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts and outcomes. It is a catalyst that sparks incredible outcomes. If you spend a lot of time around someone, you tend to pick up their values, behaviour and well their positivity (without really realising that it is happening). Sometimes, it is as simple as something standing … Continue reading

STOP Cyberbullying Summit 2015

Digital natives- Digital Literacy Digital literacy also moves the focus from ICT skills to the ability to access, manage, integrate and evaluate information, develop new understandings and communicate with others in order to participate effectively in society” (DETE, 2008, p.3). Prensky (2001) defined the twenty first Century children as “Digital natives” born into a Digital … Continue reading

“Take CTRL” Junk Kouture entry

Dress number two What inspired the girls? We live in an age where we are encouraged to follow rather than tread your own path . The connectivity of the tutu layers symbolise the multi level of cyber talk. Tap on the letters to symbolise the power of the message. Ripped and pleated rows tell us … Continue reading