
Home Economics in Loreto Community School Milford- There exists every possibility

Home Economics in Loreto Community School- Why should you do Home Economics? Here are a few reasons :)

“Home Economics is a subject where you will learn how to take care of yourself, others, your home and your environment. As Home Economics is a very practical subject, you will carry out a lot of activities in school and at home”. (NCCA, 2005)

1. Be aware of people’s different diets (e.g. obesity, CHD, Diabetes) and  be able to give them nutritional advice.

Understand food- How it nourishes your body, how to choose it, store it, and how to prepare and cook it.

2. Cook nice treats for your family and friends (Learn how to take part in ‘Come Dine with Me’, ‘MasterChef’ and  sensory analysis).

3. Be able to design and make different textiles such as decorations, scarves , cushions, hand embroidery, wall hangings, costumes you name it!

4. Take part in local and national cooking competitions.

5. Learn how to manage your money wisely! €€€

6. Learn how to design a house and  bedroom correctly- MTV Cribs watch out!

7. Be Ireland’s next top chef!

8. There are many jobs and careers that you can work in, e.g. interior designer, chefs, catering, teaching, childcare, health, and nutritionist.

9. Learn to be organised!

10. Realise your full potential with a wooden spoon, apron  and some ingredients!

“If you don’t build your dream someone will hire you to help build theirs”

“To eat is a necessity but to eat intelligently is an art”

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2 thoughts on “About

  1. Hello,
    I’m a Home Economics teacher in Tasmania, Australia and just happened on your blog by accident. I’ve visited Ireland quite a few times as I have good friends who live in Co. Tipperary. I am just starting up a blog to provide information/ideas/inspiration (hopefully) to my students here in Hobart – but my scope is much more limited though http://cinnamonvelvet.blogspot.com.au/
    I’m wanting to share the enthusiasm and interest in our subject area. I found your site really interesting – well done.

    • How nice to hear from you, and thank you for your gracious comments. A blog is a working progress, stick at it, your blog is looking great . Keep in touch and maybe we could swap some classroom ideas and some virtual classroom discussion in time to come. Àdh mòr

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