Calcium 1st Year Home Economics

                ©Calcium © Ceist 1:Outline 10 sources of calcium. Ceist 2. Discuss the deficiencies associated with a diet lacking in Calcium. Ceist 3. State the RDA of Calcium. Ceist 4. Design a balanced dinner for a growing teenager who needs to increase their intake of Calcium.

Táimid chomh gnóthach le gaoth Mhárta- Busy Bees

We have a very busy day planned tomorrow in the kitchen. The transition year students are taking over the kitchen to prepare a healthy “spice bag” alternative. The fakeaway is the new takeaway here in St Dominic’s Secondary school. We endeavour to carry out measurable small steps to achieve positive healthy changes to students day-to-day diets’. … Continue reading

Happiness is experimenting in the kitchen

The transition years experimented with a variety of ingredients today. Pad Thai  Pad Thai has been around following the end of WWII. As Pad is a Thai word for stir-fried. In Thailand, Pad Thai is very popular however most famously sold as street food. There are many ways to cook Pad Thai and sometimes depends … Continue reading