“Chocolate comes from cocoa, which is a tree, that means it is a plant, chocolate is salad ” Guilt free for one day only-Butlers Chocolate experience

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The TY Home Economics students recently visited Butler’s chocolate factory where they watched chocolates being made and sampled many of the chocolate delights. The two hour experience was  well organised giving you an insight into the history of chocolate, butlers own history and the day to day operations of the factory.The factory workers were quite busy with the lead up to Christmas, offering the  students the opportunity to witness the preparation that goes into each product. The students got a firsthand look at quality control, fermentation, hygiene and safety which will stand to them throughout their study of Home Economics. From the outset the staff were curtious, funny, attentive, friendly and  made the students feel very welcome. We were escorted to the cinema and got kitted out with white coats and hair nets en route. The film was the ideal length to keep students engaged. We each were given a reindeer to paint and decorate, anyway we so wish! We had a fantastic experience from start to finish, and the complementary hot drink for teachers went down a treat! A must on the list of things to do, or to add to your bucket list. Thank you to all involved. Take a look at a few of our pictures from the day!

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