4 thoughts on “3rd year Home Economics homework ✏️📖

  1. 2014 Q4:
    Incisors- To cut or incise food with their thin edges.
    Canines-Used for holding, grasping, and tearing food.
    Premolars-Holding food, like canines because they have cusps; also to crush food.
    Molars-Grinding food.
    -Brush At Least Twice A Day
    -Try To Stay Away From Sugary Foods As They Are Bad For Your Teeth
    -Go To Your Dentist Regularly
    -Replace Your Toothbrush Every 3-4 Months Or When It Starts To Show Wear.
    -Gum Disease
    -Tar Tar

    2013 Q2
    i.)Aerating-Sponge Cakes
    Clarifying-Consommé Soups
    Glazing-Bread and bread rolls
    ii.)Protein coagulates.
    -Overcooking causes curdling.
    -Lightly cooked eggs are easier to digest.
    -Overcooking boiled eggs causes a green ring to form.
    -Source of protein for growth and repair
    -Cheap substitute for meat
    -Eggs have alot of uses
    -Suitable for all ages
    -Name of producer
    -Expiry Date
    -Number Of Eggs
    -Caged Or Free Range
    Eggs from hens that allowed to run free.

    • Excellent work, be careful of your punctuation. You have placed capital letters mid sentence. can you be more specific with why eggs should be included in the diet? Eggs can be used in both sweet and savoury dishes. What type of protein…HBV. Maith a bhean.

  2. B) Molars- chewing and grinding food appear between 12 and 15 months and also known as deciduous molars.
    Canines-Your four canines are your sharpest teeth and are used for ripping and tearing food apart. Primary canines appear between 16 and 20 months of age
    Incisors-Incisors are the eight teeth in the front and centre of your mouth .These are the teeth that you use to take bites of your food. Incisors are usually the first teeth to appear at around 6 months.
    Third molars-Third molars are also known as wisdom teeth. These are the last teeth to develop and do not appear until age 18 to 20, and some people never develop third molars at all. For those who do, these molars may cause crowding and need to be removed

    C) – Brush twice a day and floss
    -Consume your daily dose of Vitamin C.
    – Avoid sugary food.
    -Use mouthwash to rinse away bacteria
    – change toothbrush regularly
    – Go to the dentist for regular check-ups

    D) – Gum disease
    -Tooth decay
    -Mouth ulcers

    2013 Q2
    B) -Glazing-Bread,pastry
    -Thickening- soup,custards, sauces
    -Trapping air-soufflés and meringues
    -Binding and Coating- Omelettes

    ii)Protein coagulates.
    -overcooking- lose some of their nutritional value
    -Lightly cooked eggs are easier to digest.

    C)-Eggs give you vitamins, minerals, high quality proteins, good fats and various other nutrients.
    -many people include eggs because it improve your cholesterol
    -Suitable for all ages
    -Eggs contain amounts of carbohydrates, but plenty of protein and fat
    -Eggs have lots of uses Soufflé, baking,Quiche,Omelette.
    -protein for growth and repair
    – can be used in sweet and savoury dishes.

    -Expiry Date
    -Number Of Eggs
    -Caged Or Free Range

    E)Free-range eggs are eggs produced from birds that are permitted outdoors and not cadged.

  3. Q4.b) Canines -used for tearing food
    Molars-grinding on food
    Premolars -To hold food
    Incisers-to cut with thin edges
    c) – Replace yout toothbrush every 3 months
    – Visit doctor regularly
    – Drink milk for Calcium
    – keep away from sugary foods
    – Brush teeth twice a day or after every meal
    d) You would get plaque if you dont brush your teeth
    Gum disease and tooth decay
    Q3.b) Thickner-Soup
    Aerating- Sponge cake
    Glazing-Bread rolls
    Coating- Deep fried food
    c) Eggs are the most Nutrious foods on the planet
    Eggs are highky in Cholestrol but doesnt affect the blood Cholestrol
    Egg contains Choline (which mist people dont get enough of)
    Eggs turn a ldl cholestrol big for the risk of heart disease
    d) -Expiry date
    – What farn it came from
    – How many eggs there are
    – Free range or Caged eggs
    e) Free range eggs are when hens can run freely around the farn and dont have to be locked in cages like caged hens and when they feel like laying an egg they go into the hen house.

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