Pounding curry pastes, flavoursome thai ingredients, quality food, traditional recipes- communicating and cooking with other people from different corners of the world ❤️

For me one of the most worthwhile experiences about travelling around Thailand is tasting all the different types of food. Trying local food that has been prepared with passion and affection has certainly been an eye opener for me as a Home Economics teacher. So, I decided to take the opportunity to complete a half-day cooking class with the Thai kitchen centre Cookery School in Chiang Mai. The morning got off to a great start as we visited the local markets with our cookery instructor where she kindly filled us in on the different thai ingredients that were needed to complete each dish. She had a wealth of knowledge to share and she taught us about different thai ingredients such as, Ginza, Galangal, lime, kaffer lime, holy basil, lamon basil, thai eggplant egg noodles, rice flour noodles, chilies (or as they the teachers like to call them thai chocolates) sweet basil, birds eye chili, chicken spur, shrimp paste and plenty more.
I took the opportunity to get to know the local trades people and ask a few more questions while walking around the market.
I completed four dishes and as the saying goes ” I’m not a glutton just a food explorer” applies to my full but yet satisfied stomach! We got the opportunity to mix with people from all over the world and to discuss the different flavours, textures, taste and overall appearance of our masterpieces! I most certainly have a few tricks up my sleeve for the classroom- taste buds watch out!! “Eating is a need, enjoying is an art”!


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