Getting that homely feeling when the fresh brown bread aroma takes over the kitchen :)

Nothing like a productive Monday morning in the Hills of Donegal, keeping a close eye on my home grown vegetables and wondering if the honesty box concept will work at the bottom of the lane for getting rid of the surplus veg.
Homegrown vegetables









Ok, so what is the honesty box?

It’s a method sometimes used by local farmers or growers to sell off any surplus vegetables or homemade produce that they may have. What happens is that passers-by take whatever item they want and leave payment for it in a box or tin usually provided. The whole system relies on the honesty of the passer-by. What makes the honesty box system popular in many rural areas is that A) The produce is local B) Fresh C) Supports home industry and lastly terrific value for money.

 “Falard Family brown bread”-  A lunchtime must.


175g Wholemeal stoneground flour

25g Pinhead oatmeal

25g Wheat bran

25g Milled linseed with sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, gojiberries and chia seeds (Aldi/Lidl)

1 egg

½ tsp bicarbonate soda

250ml Buttermilk

1tbsp of mixed seeds or pumpkin seeds


1. Weigh out all ingredients

2. Preheat the oven to 180°C/ 350°F/ Gas mark 4.

3. Combine all the dry ingredients and the bicarbonate of soda together.

4. Crack egg and lightly whisk with a fork.

5. Make a well in the centre of the mixture; add your egg and 250ml of buttermilk.

6. Mix together with a wooden spoon until all ingredients are blended. Mixture will appear wet however do not be tempted to add more flour!

7. Place mixture into a 1lb/ 450g loaf tin. I use silicone tins (less stress and less mess) however line with parchment paper or grease your tin otherwise.

8. Place the loaf tin into the preheated oven for 45minutes.

9. Remove the bread from the oven and allow to cool in on a wire rack.

Delicious with homemade soups, salads, cheese and chutney.

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