Classwork for Tuesday 20th May 2013

Work for Tuesday 20th May 2014

2nd year Ms Mills Home Economics Class (Computer room is booked RM39)

A huge well done to all the 2nd years who completed their 2nd year cookery exam yesterday Monday the 19th

In class you should

1. Continue with JC folder and decoration.

2. Complete your blog post on you summer cookery exam brief ( analysis of task, factors to consider etc)

3. Complete blog post on the colour flavour texture and appearance of your overall dish.  Where you pleased with your dish and what changes would you make if you were to do this task again?

5TH years continue with journal work and check emails for artisan notes and blank journals

6th years complete Q2 long question of 2010-2011-2008- 2007

3rd years– have been assigned student groups to make out fish bone study templates to photocopy for whole class, topics include

1. Milk cheese butter yoghurt

2. Fish, poultry, meat

3. Eggs, fruit and vegetables

4. Special diets

 1d bhliain Gaeilge

Scrúdú Cluastuisceanna Gaeilge

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