Classwork Wednesday 7/5/2014

6th year exam questions to complete in class 7/5/2014

2011 Paper > Section B > Question 3

2007 Paper > Section A > Question 9

2007 Paper > Section B > Question 4

2013 Paper > Section A > Question 12

2010 Paper > Section B > Question 4

2009 Paper > Section B > Question 1

5Th year work to complete in class ( notes have been sent via email to everyone, if you have not received them yet on of the girls will forward them on to you as email did not send successfully)

Complete journal research and write up as far as investigation,

All journal work must be completed by Friday

Do not forget to purchase commercial pastry tomorrow

3rd years 8.50-10.10- Ms Cogavin will continue with theory and you must complete all the following exam questions

2012 Section A > Section A > Question 14

2013 Section A > Section A > Question 13

2009 Paper > Section a > Question 13

2008 Paper > Section A > Question 11

2006 Paper > Section B > Question 4

3rd years 11.10-12.50

2012 Section A > Section A > Question 14

2013 Section A > Section A > Question 13

2009 Paper > Section a > Question 13

2008 Paper > Section A > Question 11

2006 Paper > Section B > Question 4


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