All Island Cook Off for Fine Dine at Mine 2014


Fine Dine At Mine

Delighted to announce, out of 1350 students, that Simone O’ Toole (5th year) is through to the All Island Cook Off for Fine Dine at Mine 2014 in St. Angela’s College on the 7th May. Just in time for World Home Economics day today! It is amazing what you can rustle up in the kitchen here in St Dominic’s Secondary School Ballyfermot! Taking inspirations from our great Irish Chefs Rachel Allen, Catherine Fulvio, Clodagh McKenna, Nevin Maguire, Gary O’ Hanlon and Brian Mc Dermott to name but a few!

For more information take a look here

Comhghairdeas ó chroí Simone, maith an cailín, tá muid go léir an-bhródúil asat!

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