The cookery exam is around the corner ♥

Update on the practical exam!

The Home Economics 2014 tasks have been issued by the Department of Education and can be accessed  here jc_tasks_2014 (1)


The cookery practical will take place before the Easter holidays between the 31st of March and the 11th of April. The final dates will be released in the next week.

The cookery exam is worth 35% of the overall grade for Junior Certificate Home Economics. That is 210 marks (H) and 270 (0) . The remaining 90 marks is awarded for the textile craft you have completed. Firstly you will be given 30 minutes for your preparation before the exam. During this time the examiner will not be in the room. The task that you have selected will have to be completed within 90 minutes. This is important when you are researching and selecting your different dishes. Students must evaluate their dish in the exam, if this is not completed within the 90 minutes, marks will be lost!

A few helpful tips √

  1. Maximum use should be made of fresh ingredients and the use of convenience foods should be kept to a minimum to allow candidates to demonstrate their culinary skills and application of cooking principles.
  2. Advance preparation of ingredients should be minimal i.e. ingredients may be weighed, vegetables may be washed but not peeled or chopped etc.
  3. Candidates will be required to clean tools and equipment used as part of the task and to leave them on the table until checked by examiner.

Afterschool practical classes for 3rd years

Starting Thursday: 13/03/2013 (3.20-5.30)



Take a look at your task brief and booklet to be filled in here Food Practical Exam 2014 task 1Food Practical Exam 2014 task 2 Food Practical Exam 2014 task 3 Food Practical Exam 2014 task 4 a Food Practical Exam 2014 task 5 a Food Practical Exam 2014 task 6 a Food Practical Exam 2014 task 7 a





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