Don’t knock it until you try it! Taste testing with a twist

Strive for progress not perfection ♥

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A taste testing and sensory analysis workshop on the different classifications of fruit took place in room 40 last week when Ms Mills and Ms Cogavin realised that many students had never tasted some of the fresh fruit that are available in our local supermarkets. The students needed some experience with the food first therefore they had a number of classes focused on the importance of fruit in their daily diets. The students were hesitant at first to try the new fruits however once they started to taste the scrumptious, tasty, yummy, mouth-watering fruit they were reluctant to stop!

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“Sensory Analysis is a scientific discipline used to evoke, measure, analyse and interpret reactions to those characteristics of foods and materials as they are perceived by the senses of sight, smell, taste, touch and hearing”

The students examined the fruits with the use of their sense organs i.e. sight, smell, taste, touch and hearing. They also used their five senses to examine the characteristics, the appearance, flavour aroma, texture and sound of the fruit.

Maith sibh cailíní! 🙂

“A vibrant, enjoyable, interesting and worthwhile afternoon” Ms Mills




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