Top study hacks to improve your grades in Home Economics ♥


1. Go for a walk or a light jog to boost your memory and your concentration. Aim to take at least 30 minutes out of your day girls to exercise to improve your performance in exams.


2. Labhair amach os ard! Read out aloud instead of reading into yourself.

3. Make flashcards and stick post-its up with definitions, key points on topics on the fridge, on your mirror, on the walls and even in your wardrobe…places where you regularly go and sit!

4. Give yourself a  small treat or a reward when you complete a section, topic or chapter. Try to make things fun!



5.Peer teach,  teach each other. Test yourself to see if you understand the information by teaching your friend about it for example, the properties, functions, RDA, sources and deficiencies of Vitamin B.

6. Study in a group. Studying together in groups will help you discuss topics and how to answer past questions, share resources and help keep each other motivated.

7. Make mind maps for each topic on one page! ‘All in one method’ to studying !

8. Draw pictures to help you remember easier! Picture paints a thousand words.

9. Refrain from using social media Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat or twitter (unless it is to follow @msmillshomeec and for educational purposes! These are distracting when you are studying!

10. Use Youtube to help explain some areas of the course that you find difficult. Youtube can explain the information in a short time frame.

11. Take study breaks every 40 minutes as your focus and concentration is not as effective after long periods of times. You will not absorb the information!

12. Cleachtadh a dhéanann máistreacht– practice, practice, practice! Practicing sample answers to past exam questions can help train your brain to take in information. Designate yourself the allocated time for each question and look at the breakdown of your exam in the previous posts! 6TH years there is a new trial paper available here.

13. Do not pull an all-nighter!  Make sure to get enough sleep the nights leading up to your exams.

14Be positive– you have come so far, be proud of yourselves girls ♥

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