Five a day for your Mental Health as well as a healthy balanced diet in St Dominic’s Secondary School

Five-a-day which  is not only for physical health and well being it can be adapted to show the steps on how we can be proactive in taking care and looking after our mental health in our school community in St.Dominic’s Secondary School. It is so important to include your five portions of fruit and vegetables in your daily diet but  you must also look after your mental health and keep your mind and body happy and healthy #timetotalk
Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn the light on. Girls it is important that you connect with the people around you, with family, friends, staff in the school, neighbours at home, work or in your local community

 Be active- Go for a walk or run join the running club, GAA, tag rugby, camogie or soccer. Step outside go for a ‘dander’, play a game or  dance to your favourite song even discover a new activity- like zumba, pilates or hot yoga!

Take notice of things around you be curious, be aware of yourself, be aware of others and pay attention to others. Open your eyes girls and notice the positive welcoming world around you.

 Get involved- Have a say contribute in your classes, get involved in discussions and what’s happening in your life. Look for opportunities to make your voice heard and listened to! It might give you a sense of accomplishment which will boost your confidence

 Give a helping hand. Do something nice for a friend, or a stranger. Thank someone or even smile, after all a “smile goes miles”. Volunteer your time girls, help each other with homework, study tips and ways of coping with the stress that comes with exams. Join a group or the extracurricular activities available in the school “what’s that coming over the hill its Ms Mills GAA team”


For more information on your five a day for mental health take a look at


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