She discovered she could have her cake and eat it too.. she just needed to put on her apron and bake it :)

   Today was quite eventful in the Home Economics kitchen in St Dominic’s Secondary School! The 3rd years were busy practicing for their mock cookery practical and showed excellent time management, organisation and cooperation. The ladies cooked delicious banana and blueberry muffins and golden crisp sausage rolls. Take a look at a simple step by step … Continue reading

St Dominic’s exciting 3-R-Trail to Fine Dine at Mine- Cookery Competition

The young ladies in St Dominic’s have eagerly started on their 3-R-trail for the Fine Dine At Mine – Cookery Competition. RESEARCH- RESTAURANT  – RECIPE! The students are required to enter their favourite restaurant dish suitable for two people, main course only! The competition gives students an opportunity to create tasty, healthy and affordable restaurant … Continue reading

Let your sun shine the brightest girls and remember to brush the clouds away.

Today in St Dominic’s the preventative Bullying policy workshop took place for all 3rd, 5th and 6th year students. Sr. Liz spent a session with the classes discussing different forms of bullying, with particular emphasis on cyberbullying. Cyberbullying can be detrimental to a person’s mental and physical wellbeing. “In Ireland an estimated 31% of primary students and … Continue reading

Want to maximise your marks in Home Economics? Go confidently in the direction of your dreams girls and live the life you’ve imagined

After school study for 6th years began today and will continue every Thursday from 3.30-5.00. These classes will concentrate on specific topics, exam advice and guidelines on how to enhance your exam results in Home Economics. After school classes for 3rd years will continue every Monday from 3.50-4.30.  It is important that you attend all … Continue reading

“No one is born a great cook, one learns by doing” Introducing St Dominic’s baking club and Cool Dudes programme’

Today in St Dominic’s we had a very active evening as the 1st and 2nd years armed themselves with their wooden spoons and tackled the kitchen. The cooking club was launched along with the Cool Dudes programme and many students demonstrated their cooking skills and enthusiasm about affordable healthy eating, baking and Home Economics. I … Continue reading

A light lunch that is affordable, full of flavour and suitable for everyone, teenagers and even pollo vegetarians!

Today the second years were busy cooking a tasty affordable light lunch that is rich in high biological protein (Chicken), Vitamin C (Peppers) and the tortilla wraps contained high amounts of carbohydrates however whole grain wraps would have provided a healthier alternative. We also looked at different ways that you can ‘wrap and roll’ the chicken fajitas. … Continue reading